Penn Dutch Pacers
Volksmarch Club
Lancaster, PA

Types of Events

Downtown Lancaster

Traditional Events are typically held on one day, usually a Saturday but sometimes a Sunday. Walkers must register at the start point between designated hours (often 8 am to 1 pm) and complete the walk by a specified time (often 4 pm). Some clubs may hold walks for multiple days, and there could be more than one walk or bike event available at the same start point.

Year Round Events (YREs) are walks that are available all year. Seasonal Events are those that run for one or more seasons of the year usually because they are located in a venue where the start point is not open all year long. Both types of events allow you to choose when to do the event, typically 7 days a week during daylight hours. Unlike weekend scheduled Traditional events, YRE or Seasonal events are not manned.

To participate in a YRE or Seasonal Event, locate the start point for the event which is listed in the event information on www.ava.org. Follow the directions on the website to travel to the start point. When you arrive at the start point, ask for the Walk box.

The Walk box is a portable file box that contains a registration log, start cards, walk instructions & map, the stamp & stamp pad and distance and events books. YRE & Seasonal Walks are done on the honor system. If you cheat, the only person you're cheating is yourself.

When you get the Walk Box, register, get a map and you are on your way. Enjoy!